Get Involved!
Quarterly Ride
Participate in quarterly bike rides (and bring a friend or two or three or more with you!)
We have posters for the ride- if you know good public locations for them, please contact us ( and we'll get you some.
Bike Advocacy
Attend other monthly meetings, for planning or advocacy.
Offer to ride with a friend who is nervous or out-of practice
Attend city planning meetings and public forums and speak from your heart about the importance of safe bike infrastructure
Post about the campaign on social media
Make videos of the Ride, or other cool bike actions you see around town and post to Instagram: climaterevolutionbybike
Flyers! There are small flyers for taping onto bikes. Check out the Resources page for PR files. Please contact us ( if you want some.
The more people involved in a demonstration the better the chances for success. And after 3.5% of the population is involved, it's almost assured to be successful. For Eugene, that's about 5600 people. (reference: the-magic-number-behind-protests)
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